Psso | Life123.
Knitting Abbreviations Videos.
11 sl1,k1,psso - YouTube.
Abbreviations : What does the abbreviation 'psso' mean? p2sso.
knitting school.Row 1 (right side): K1, *k2tog, k1, yf, k1, sl1, k1, psso, k2; rep from * to last 1 sts, k2.. Knitting Abbreviations Used in this patterns are as the following; k = knit p. In: Crocheting and Knitting [Edit categories]. Answer: psso means pass slipped stitch over.. Can you answer these Crocheting and Knitting questions?
What does psso in knitting mean.reverse stockinette stitch, knitting abbreviations, pointed needle.
PSSO - Knitting Daily.
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Janets Knitting Room: New Cloth Design.
knitting terms psso
knitting terms psso
What is psso?? - Forum.reverse stockinette stitch, knitting abbreviations, pointed needle. k, = knit. sl, = slip. psso, = pass slipped stitch over. tog, = together. yo, = yarn over . All even rows are knit plain. Cast on 9. Where crochet terms differ, UK/US. K - knit. P - purl st - stitch or stitches sl - slip purlwise (insert needle from right- hand side and move stitch without working to RH needle) psso - pass the slipped. Abbreviations. Sl1 - slip one psso - pass slip stitch over. K2tog - knit two together. P2tog - purl two together. Orange Text - Indicates an amendment to the pattern.